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“Introducing the CEO”

"Leadership is not about being the best. It is about making everyone else better." Dr. Ernest Ahamioje is a distinguished...

AB 10 Specialist Hospital-Lagos Go Live With AaceHIMS Electronic Medical Records.

In a groundbreaking move toward modern healthcare, AB10 Hospital has recently implemented an advanced AACEHIMS Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system, setting new standards in patient care and record-keeping. Specializing in...

Minimally Invasive Surgical Solutions(M.I.S.S) Ikeja- Lagos , “GO LIVE” with Electronic Health Record(EHR)

       Aace Healthcare Information Management Systems is thrilled to announce the successful “Go Live” of their electronic services. At precisely 12:00 am on October 17th, 2023, all services...
Minimally Invasive Surgical Solutions Ltd pics
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October National Health Observances: Health Literacy, Breast Cancer, Youth Sports, and HIV/AIDS Awareness

Each month, we highlight National Health Observances (NHOs) that align with our mission to improve health across the United States. In October, we’re raising awareness about health literacy, breast cancer, the benefits of youth sports, and HIV/AIDS in Latinx communities….

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